Facebook Marketplace is a Hot Mess

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Just Horrible.

About 1 out of every 4 pictures in my Marketplace is for tattoos.

Faceboook's latest foray to make their site more "sticky" (ie keep people on it longer) is the "marketplace" functionality which they've dedicated a lot of the real estate in their app to (it's in the very center at the bottom of the app). In true Facebook form, there's perennially a red "notification" on the marketplace button to get us to click on it.

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Competitive Intelligence: Every Bit.Ly link has Public Analytics

See Public Click Through Analytics for Any Bit.Ly Link

I included this as part of an article I wrote about Dominos amazing first tweet about lewd employees getting arrested and fired, but it deserves to be mentioned in it's own post. You can add the “plus symbol” (+) to the end of any bit.ly link and see a lot of data about click throughs and referring sites. Example: bit.ly link that was included in Dominos' tweet: //bitly.com/12MX3n Add "+" to the end of bit.ly URL to see a ton of analytics: //bitly.com/12MX3n+

An Example of Interpreting Public Bit.ly Analytics

The domino’s bit ly link analytics are as good an example as any, you can see total click throughs on "this bit.ly link" and then it shows "all bit.ly links" (to clarify: "all bit.ly" links that are pointed to that destination URL"):

What we can learn: how many bit.ly shortcuts were created for this URL and (in conjunction with the other info on this page) where they were placed and how effective the various placements were in getting 'click throughs.'

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